Tuesday, November 10, 2015

8 – Electoral Castle, Eltville, Germany (1330s)

Eltville is an old village that fronts the Rhine River west of Frankfurt.  I visited the Electoral Castle site at the end of a long day of hiking in the hills above Eltville along the regional hiking trail known as De Rheinsteig. I hiked up and down steep hills, then out of the forest, through a vineyard and sheep pasture, and then along a dirt road that leads to town and the castle. It was a significant hike. But, then, the long and tough day of hiking made the medieval experience seem all the more authentic.  

Here is one of the road:

The Castle was absolutely worth the hike. It is surrounded by several other very old structures, including ruins from the old city wall that was built up alongside the river. In addition, the castle owners at some point to allow housing for townspeople to be developed on castle grounds. Many of these are timber-framed houses from the 1500s or 1600s.

Many have written about Electoral Castle and Eltville.  I like the following links:


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